Kabuki - The Epic Japanese Theater (2024)

Kabuki is a traditional form of Japanese theater popular in the archipelago. While influenced by Noh drama and Bunraku puppet theater in its early days, Kabuki successfully created its own very specific codes throughout its 400 years of history. One of its characteristics is that all roles are played by male actors. Kabuki theater was inscribed on the UNESCO List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2008.

The term Kabuki is written with the ideograms 歌 (ka), 舞 (bu) and 伎 (ki), respectively meaning "sing","dance" and "technique" or "art." In the everyday speech, the word "kabuki" can also convey the idea of extravaganza to a certain extent, of something out of the ordinary or non-standard.

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Noh Theater - The Oldest Dramatic Art of Japan

An art of unclear origins

Nowadays, Kabuki is only performed by male actors, but it was supposedly initiated by a woman. In 1603, a Shinto priestess named Izumo no Okuni performed nenbutsu odori religious dances to collect funds for Izumo shrine. She cross-dressed to play men’s roles, and some of her skits were staged in the red-light districts and involved very sensual and erotic choreographies. Even if her performances shocked the shogunate authorities, she was a great inspiration and between 1607 and 1620, many women’s troupes, often issued from prostitution districts, took up her path and performed provoking plays.

As was the case with theater in its early days in Europe, Kabuki and its performers were often negatively considered, even more as they mainly worked in the red-light districts, and limits with prostitution were often blurred. Ironically, it was the authorities’ numerous interventions that helped shape Kabuki into its current form:

  • In 1629, the Tokugawa shogunate forbade women to perform in Kabuki plays to avoid the many public disorders linked to prostitution, which resulted in the disappearance of women’s troupes.
  • In 1653, the shogunate forbade young men – who replaced women for their roles - to perform for the same reasons. Therefore, the onnagata (女形), the woman’s role, ended up being played by specialized and middle-aged male actors.

It was also in the second half of the 17th century that acting took precedence over dance.

Kabuki theater culminated in the 18th and 19th and was the embodiment of the Japanese people’s hedonistic mind. It was at the core of the Edo period (1603-1868) popular culture and pictured in literature as well as in ukiyo-e prints. Actors’ troupes began to organize during this period, gained social visibility and gathered in families who carried on styles and a theater repertoire until today. Attempts of reforms and censorships to try ruling Kabuki into a more "respectable" art such as Noh or Bunraku lasted until Meiji Era (1868-1912).

Some actors, such as Ichikawa Danjuro I, were so popular that they could prompt their admirers to engage in pilgrimages. Thanks to him being affiliated to Narita-san Shinsho-ji temple, this place of worship developed and thrived in the 18th century.

Kabuki - The Epic Japanese Theater (2)

What is a Kabuki play like?

A Kabuki play is characterized by the show being on stage as well as in the public.

The 28-meters long stage is usually extended on the left of the spectators by a perpendicular walkway (of 24 meters long and 1,5 meters wide), called Hanamichi (花道), or the "flowers path." A set of complex machineries, developed throughout the centuries, allow to make actors disappear suddenly, easily change the settings, replicate a landscape, or create striking special effects. All these features contribute to a dynamic and creative stage production within the audience and viewable for everyone.

One of the acting characteristics in Kabuki is a flat tone of the voice, often high-pitched and looking for exaggeration. Actors combine dance movements, mime, and their gestures are underlined by the sound of traditional music instruments. Kabuki favors stylized demeanors, especially a static posing called "mie" (見得), translating the personality and feelings of a character, and that is known today thanks to woodblock prints picturing popular actors.

The make-up of Kabuki actors is also very specific: the skin is usually covered with a white foundation, on which colors are applied to show the character’s particularities. Masks😷 are occasionally used, but not to the extent of Noh Theater. Accessories and flamboyant costumes, some of them weighing more than 10kg and often made with precious materials with intricate designs, are elements of the show. Part of the performance also consists in moving naturally while wearing these garments.

A characteristic ambiance

As a popular art form, Kabuki plays are usually performed in a relaxed atmosphere. The audience does not restrain its applause to demonstrate its happiness when shown very well-played scenes or the one it expected. When the public’s favorite actor appears, he is encouraged with kakegoe (掛け声). It is a practice of shouting the stage name or family name (yago 屋号) of a actors to cheer on them.

Nowadays, the public is often constituted by seasoned Kabuki amateurs who are fond of one or several actors, of acting styles and / or of some plays that they love to see again and again. As the plays can last several hours, regular spectators bring their own meal, and it is even possible to eat at the venue. Theaters even have bento🍱 supplies to purchase at intermissions.

The Kabuki repertoire, primarily originating from the puppet theater’s, expanded thanks to original creations, especially with the dramas written by Chikamatsu Monzaemon (1653-1725). The plays mainly recall historical events, romances, and love affairs. Therefore, there are three main genres in the repertoire:

  • Historic dramas (jidai mono 時代物), which are occasions to recreate fighting choreographies and epic battle scenes. The most famous plays are themed on Chushingura or the 47 loyal retainers, or on the life of Minamoto no Yosh*tsune, in Yosh*tsune Senbon Zakura,
  • Contemporary or "domestic" dramas (sewamono 世話物), focus on subjects that were more familiar to Edo period spectators, such as thwarted love stories (Love Suicides in Sonezaki) and even ghost stories (Yotsuya Kaidan), and,
  • Lastly, dances (buyô 舞踊), that are integral parts of the plays, but can also be performed per se.

Several classical plays anthologies were created, such as Eighteen Best Kabuki Plays (Kabuki Juhachiban 歌舞伎十八番), and shortened versions are frequently performed.

A commitment to modernity

Kabuki has always been concerned with remaining at the forefront of modernity, especially on the technical aspects with importations and improvements of stage equipment.

The debate on the women’s place on stage has also been growing recently and the younger generations are not hostile to actresses playing bishonen (美少年 "beautiful young men") roles. However, many purists consider that the essence and beauty of Kabuki lie in the perfection of the feminine incarnation by male actors. Kabuki may not be ready yet to open to women, however one can consider its counterpart, the Takarazuka Revue, created in 1913, where all roles are played by women as if mirroring Kabuki.

Such inertia was probably fostered by the fact that Kabuki troupes are actually "family businesses," with artists’ names passed down from generation to generation. Among the most famous are the Otani, Bando, Nakamura, Matsumoto, or Ichikawa families, who each have developed an acting style or cultivated skills for specific roles.

The revivification in the 1980s

It is by the way from one of the Ichikawa family branches that part of the current popularity of Kabuki originates. Ichikawa Ennosuke III created in 1986 the Super Kabuki, with the intent of attracting a larger audience while still playing the classical Kabuki dramas with the usual techniques, but also adding Chinese classics, or popular Japanese tales, and by using the state-of-the-art stage techniques during performances. His successor Ennosuke IV revived the concept in 2014 with Super Kabuki II (Second) that opened the repertoire to an even larger audience. Thus, popular mangas such as One Piece or Naruto had some of their famous narrative arcs transcribed into plays, and virtual idol Hatsune Miku’s hologram even performed in a 18th century classic.

At the end of 2019, one of the current Kabuki stars, Ichikawa Ebizo XI, adapted Star Wars, of which he is a great fan, for a one-time performance with his son.

Kabuki - The Epic Japanese Theater (3)

Where to watch a Kabuki play and how much is it?

When traveling in Japan, it is easy to watch a play at the two theaters below:

  • Kabuki-za theater in Tokyo's Ginza district, inaugurated in 1889,
  • Kabuki Minami-za theater in Gion district in Kyoto, the cradle of Kabuki built in the early Edo period (1603-1668) and renovated in 2016.

Both theaters are managed by the famous Shochiku company, which is also a big movie producer.

Depending on the seat category and the length of the play, the ticket prices range between ~US$15.84 and ~US$107.69. Booking can be made at the theater:

  • By phone (in Japanese or in English),
  • Online, from the theater’s website, or,
  • Directly at the theater counter.

Note that Kabuki plays tickets can be sold out very quickly.

It is almost impossible to watch a full-length play, as they can be very long (some could last nearly 30 hours!). Nowadays, theaters tend to stage a selection of scenes, from the most popular or representative, but it is not unusual to spend a full day at the venue, only interrupted by intermissions for eating.

Theaters have adapted and now sell tickets to attend to only one act, to experience Kabuki without too many constraints. To better enjoy a play, it is recommended to read about its story line beforehand, or to read the program provided by the theater.

It is sometimes possible to watch Kabuki performances in streets festivals in Japan, such as Chichibu Yomatsuri Matsuri in December in the north-west of Tokyo.

Kabuki theater is truly an immersion in Japanese culture, that blooms in this one-of-a-kind art, between excess, baroque lyricism, extravaganza, and tradition. The most modern dramas are accessible even to neophytes who can enjoy the performance without any concern of not understanding Japanese or being bored.

Kabuki - The Epic Japanese Theater (2024)


What is Kabuki theater known for? ›

Kabuki, traditional Japanese popular drama with singing and dancing performed in a highly stylized manner. A rich blend of music, dance, mime, and spectacular staging and costuming, it has been a major theatrical form in Japan for four centuries.

What are the musical characteristics of Kabuki theatre? ›

These include vocal music known as nagauta, created through song and shamisen (a type of stringed instrument), and instrumental ensembles or narimono, created by many different types of instruments, especially percussion and fue (flute).

Is Kabuki worth seeing? ›

We saw the longest story. I would recommend a shorter one if you speak no Japanese as it can be hard to follow. You can see an entire show or one of the parts (I think each show has 3-4 parts so you can buy a ticket on the day of for one of the parts).

How long is Kabuki theater? ›

The duration of the performances depends on the acts and the content. However, usually they run for approximately 4 hours each for the Matinee and the Evening Show. If you prefer to watch from a Single Act Seat, kabuki dances and short dramas last about 30 minutes to1hour, while long dramas last about 1 to 2 hours.

What makes Kabuki special? ›

Important characteristics of Kabuki theatre include its particular music, costumes, stage devices and props as well as specific plays, language and acting styles, such as the mie, in which the actor holds a characteristic pose to establish his character.

What are the three main categories of the Kabuki play? ›

Kabuki plays are divided into three overall categories: jidai-mono (historical plays), sewa-mono (domestic plays), and shosagoto the strong, masculine aragoto (rough business) acting style in Edo (now Tokyo), while Sakata Tojuro I (1647–1709) developed the refined and realistic wagoto (soft business) style in the Kyoto ...

Which is an unique feature of Kabuki plays? ›

Another good example of kabuki's unique acting technique is the mie. This is a kind of strong pose struck by male characters in which some powerful emotion or conflict is expressed outwardly in the form of a stop-motion tableau. For greater emphasis, the pose is accompanied by loud beats of the wooden clappers.

Which best describes the Kabuki style of theater? ›

Kabuki theatre is known for its heavily stylised performances, its glamorous, highly decorated costumes, and for the elaborate kumadori make-up worn by some of its performers. The term kabuki originates from a verb that was used to describe young samurai patrons, meaning "being weird" or "offbeat."

What classification of musical is mostly used in Kabuki theater? ›

There is really no standard for the use of instruments, but there are three typical categories of music in kabuki: geza, shoso-ongagku, and ki/tsuke. Geza music provides sound effects for the play. These can include sounds of waves stylized on a drum, or the rumbling of thunder.

Why did kabuki get banned? ›

role of Izumo Okuni

The popularity of onna (“women's”) Kabuki remained high until women's participation was officially banned in 1629 by the shogun (military ruler) Tokugawa Iemitsu, who thought that the sensuality of the dances had a deleterious effect on public morality.

Why is kabuki only male? ›

Kabuki has been performed since the early 17th century. Plays originally featured both men and women. But the Edo government felt they would be too provocative and banned women. For hundreds of years, men have played every role and that tradition endures today.

Is kabuki all female? ›

Originally, both men and women acted in Kabuki plays, but eventually only male actors performed the plays: a tradition that has remained to the present day. Male actors specialized in women's roles are called onnagata.

Is there a dress code for kabuki? ›

Formal dress code is not required when attending a kabuki play, although decent dress and footwear are recommended. Sometimes, often on the first day of a run, some ladies may attend the show dressed in traditional kimono.

What does kabuki stand for? ›

The word 'ka-bu-ki' itself is made up of three characters that mean 'song' (ka-歌), 'dance' (bu-舞) and 'acting skill' (ki-伎), indicating the composite nature of this art that includes elements of music, dance and drama, disciplines that would in most other cases be performed separately.

What are 3 facts about kabuki theatre? ›

Kabuki (歌舞伎, かぶき) is a classical form of Japanese theatre, mixing dramatic performance with traditional dance. Kabuki theatre is known for its heavily stylised performances, its glamorous, highly decorated costumes, and for the elaborate kumadori make-up worn by some of its performers.

How is Kabuki theatre different from Western theatre? ›

Performance: In Kabuki theatre, the performers use a stylized form of movement and speech that is different from naturalistic acting styles found in Western theatre. The performers in Kabuki often use exaggerated gestures, facial expressions, and vocalizations to convey emotions and actions.

Which of the following best describes Kabuki? ›

Solution By Steps. Kabuki is a traditional Japanese form of theater known for its stylized drama, elaborate costumes, and the use of makeup to transform actors into specific characters. It often includes singing, dancing, and performances of historical dramas, with actors specializing in specific roles.

What is Kabuki characterized by? ›

However, The Japan Times reports that kabuki comes from the verb kabuku, meaning “to slant or to sway” and is used to describe “people who were out of the ordinary and preferred to dress in extravagant attire.” As an art form, Kabuki is characterized by colorful costumes, music, stylized performances, and broad ...

What are some interesting facts about Kabuki? ›

Kabuki is thought to have originated in the early Edo period, when the art's founder, Izumo no Okuni, formed a female dance troupe that performed dances and light sketches in Kyoto. The art form later developed into its present all-male theatrical form after women were banned from performing in kabuki theatre in 1629.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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