He literally listens to Gracie Abrams - eatingursoul (2024)

Chapter Text

Pinkstar is wondering in the lobby along with her friends, she was bored and eager and really wanted to dinner to start. She the sees her brother,

“Hey lil bro! You’re looking fresh!”

Blackstar turns around to the cheerful voice he knows and the glances down at his attire, “Thanks pinkie you look nice yourself.”

The chirpy girl leans in, “Do you think Tsubaki will like the way I look?,” she pulls away grinning.

“Yeah, I think she’ll love it. I mean you look less gross than you usually do.”

Pinkstar nudged his shoulder, “I think I’m going to confess to her after dinner, I’m just nervous.”

Blackstar looks at her, smirking while giving a nod of understanding, “I think you should! I can tell she likes you, as her weapon partner, she talks awfully a lot about you.”

“Man I guess you are a good brother and weapon partner,” Pinkstar says, having a toothy grin.

“I mean your a pretty good partner yourself, sucks Kiane couldn’t come.”

“It’s fine, she’s sick and I need her to rest up so we can train when I get back. That also means I get to hang out with Tsubaki more! Although right now, she’s still in the room,” Pinkstar says giggling.

Blackstar sees the blush on his sisters face when she mentions Tsubaki, amused by how awkward she is. He looks over towards the open elevator seeing that the weapon herself is now coming out,

“Oh she’s still in the room, huh?”

As Tsubaki walks out she has a long blue dress on with mesh on the sleeves. Her eyes are dusted in gold glitter while her lips are painted a glossy red. There is a low braid hung from her hair, resting on her shoulder. Blackstar notices how red Pinkstar gets at the sight. The blue haired boy snickers at the sight and the twin just make her way over to her roommate. Blackstar turns around as he hears the footsteps of his best friend,

“sh*t dudee, lookin cool I see?”

“You already know man! I f*cking look great,” Blackstar then looked his grey haired friend up and down, “but you look like a hobo in comparison, not gonna lie.”

“Tch, whatever star, Maka picked out the suit.”

“That explains it, she probably just picked it out and didn’t put any effort into making your look nice.”

Soul aggressively slaps his friends shoulder, “Hey!”

Blackstar continues to laugh, hands on his stomach. Patty walks up to both of them wearing some small black eyeliner and a silk short red dress. Her hair is curled and her heels are shimmering white.

“Hi guys!! Everyone is walking towards the restaurant so y’all should probably get going!

“Alright thanks for telling us Patty,” Soul cooley says.

Patty then hobbles away, trying to walk straight in her four inch high-heels.

Soul shrugs and then says, “Wow Patty actually looks okay, Liz did what she said she was going to do.”

“Yeah she actually looks nice for once in her life, Liz did pretty well.”

Soul and Blackstar are the last two to walk inside the restaurant, following the group. The restaurant is very chic and has roses everywhere. When they go and sit down, Blackstar is stuck in between two couples.

“Damn man! Two f*cking couples. I got pinkie over here with Tsu and my best friend with his nerd, could I be anymore single?”

His thoughts wandered, still being upset.


Blackstar feels a hell dig into his foot. He swiftly whips his head to his left, glaring at his sister.

“Look who’s across from you,” she whispers raising her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

He huffs, rolling his eyes at Pinkstars comment. He glances sideways towards Kid, who was sitting across from him. The server comes up and asks what everyone would like to drink. All of the teenagers order a variety of mocktails and sodas. When Blackstar ordered what he wanted, he leaned back and looked around. Noticing everyone having their own little conversations.


The miester turns his head to the voice, his eyes meeting his weapon, “Yeah what’s up?”

“Are you going night swimming after dinner? Lord death rented out a private beach on the side of the hotel. It’s walking distance so we don’t have to take the shuttle.”

“Hell yeah I’ll go, why wouldn’t I? Not like I have anything else to do anyways.”

Pinkstars chirpy voice then chimed in, “Yeah except for making sweet love to Kid,” she added in some smooching noises to embarrass him even more.

Blackstar feels his face get hot, “Wha- Sis stop! Shut up you bitch! I’m not gonna do that!”

“Mph, whatever you say!”

“Asshole, I’m not going to do that with Kid!”

The shinigami looked up, “Did you say something Blackstar?”

“Nah Kid, you didn’t miss anything important.”

“Alright then.”

Blackstar still pouting, can’t stop his brain from thinking about what his sister said.

‘Yeah right, love, TO HIM? No, no! I don’t even want to think about that right now!’ Blackstar internally slapped himself.

Once again the server came around, this time handing out the drinks and taking food orders. Blackstar decided on a steak, not feeling anything else. Left alone in his thoughts, he was so bothered by what his sister said and he didn’t even know why. His ten minutes of thinking was over when the food came out.

While the blue haired boy scarfs down his food, he enlightens himself in a conversation with Soul, of course about basketball. Everyone seems to be finishing up and that when Kid stood up, leaving the table. Blackstar interrupted his friend who was currently yapping about some game from yesterday, “Hey Soul where do you think Kid is going?”

“I don’t know star, probably pissing.”

“Nah he walked past the bathrooms.”

Soul chuckled, “Then go follow him,” he then joked.

“I think I will.”

Blackstar excused himself from the table and left the restaurant, following Kid. He was hoping to be at least somewhat stealthy but it obviously didn’t work.

“I can feel you following me Blackstar.”

He then freezes in in tracks, “Uh, Y-you knew I was following you?” He questioned, scratching the back of his head.

“I detected your soul.”

“Damn, sh*t luck for trying to be sneaky,” he ran up to walk besides his friend.

“What are you doing leaving the restaurant?” Kid asked.

“I could ask you the same thing,” Blackstar retorts as they re-enter the resort entrance.

“I need to check something.”

“Check what?”

“Check if I locked the door and left the shower running.”

“Why are you checking, you obviously turned off the shower and locked the door.”

“My ocd I guess,” Kid shrugs, getting into the elevator.

Blackstar hums in response, knowing already that Kid had some form of ocd. “Is it acting up or something?”

“It always is I’m just trying to shut it out.”

“Oh okay.”

The big silver doors to the elevator open to the eighth floor, both boys now heading back to their room. Blackstar watches as Kid checks the shower four times and re-locks the door four times. After everything is checked, they both sit on their own beds.

“Pretty cool how your dad rented out a beach for us.”

“Yeah I guess, are you going?”

Blackstar laughed, “You bet, it would be boring without me.”

“Alright then. I’m going to get changed into my swimming trunks since it’s almost nine. Oh and also, don’t worry about food payment for dinner, my father covered it.”

“Oh for real? Death is paying for all the food? Damn. He really is spoiling all of us.”

“Well he is pushy towards me hanging out with my friends,” Kid replies rolling his eyes

Blackstar laughs and nods in agreement with what Kid said, “Yeah I can tell he’s pretty pushy. Always trying to make you ‘socialize’ “

“Well of course he wants me to hang out with my friend group more, which is you guys. …He also just likes spending his money.”

“True that, it’s pretty funny though”

Kid nods in agreement now grabbing his swim trunks from his suitcase. Blackstar watches Kid grab his bathing suit then turns away in an attempt to give him privacy. The other boy then turns around,

“You should also change, I think Pinkstar and Tsubaki are waiting for us downstairs.”

Blackstar says okay and grabs his trunks, going into the bathroom. When he comes back out he notices Kid just sitting on his bed, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. Kid was wearing swim trunks that were black on one side and white striped on the other, just like his hair. For a moment, he looks at him before eventually, his eyes start you drift downwards, slowing trailing Kids body. He continues to stare taking in Kids appearance. He can’t help but notice how attractive Kid looks in his swim trunks, the way the basically hug his already toned thighs.

Kid then looks up from his phone, noticing Blackstar stare at his chest. Kid eyes lunge all over his body, crudely staring at all of Blackstars arm muscles.

‘ the way they glisten in the crappy hotel room light is crazy. Why does the egotistical brat have to be so fine? ‘ Kid thinks
‘ f*ck I can’t stop staring at Kid, I probably look stupid as hell, ‘

Kid realizes what he was doing, “oh um, I apologize Blackstar.”

“N-no it’s fine. You don’t have to apologize, I don’t care. Honestly.”

“Uh yeah, I was just returning what you were doing to me,” Kid said smirking boldly.

Blackstar huffs, “Hmph.. Shut up, you dork.”

Kid grins and slips on his flip flops, Blackstar follow and then slings his towel over his shoulder. They head to the elevator and push ground level. Everyone in the friend group is waiting on couches in the lobby. Kid leaves and walks up to Liz and Patty Blackstar on the other hand goes near Soul.

“Oh hey bro. Maka couldn’t come, she got a headache I think,” Soul says, hands folded behind his head.”

“What kind of boyfriend are you dude? Shouldn’t you be upstairs helping her?” Blackstar joked.

“Don’t you think I offered her help? She hates when I do that. She’s probably reading and about to fall asleep or something.”

“Wow damn you suck.”

“Why do you care star, you don’t want me here?”

“Tch, nah just care about Maka a little.”

“Woah man don’t steal my girl, we all know you want Kid.”

Blackstar was taken back by the comment, face all red.

“What the f- s-shut the hell up dude!”

“Let’s just get going.”

The blue haired boy walks out, still flustered. As everyone arrives they set down their beach towels.


He turns to hi sister, “Oh hey pinkie what’s up.”

“Nothing much it’s just really pretty at night.”

“It really is.”

He then gets the urge to ask about how confessing went, “Oh how did it go?”

“Uh, how did what go?

“Confessing idiot.”

Pinkstar then blushed a dark red. Of course he noticed this,
“I’m taking that as a good sign.”

“Yeah it went pretty well, but we’re not dating. She wants to take it slow, hang out more on the trip.”

“That’s something at least.”

“Ha! More than you’ve done.”

He turned, “f*ck you talking about?”

“If I confessed you have to! You need to get over him or say something, it’s killing us all.”

Blackstar knew she was talking about Kid, “Hey! Why do I have to confess just cause you did.”

“Cause we’re twins, duh.”

“Like that means anything?! Bedsides I doubt Kid is gay.”

“Oh cmon Blackstar lighten up! He’s sooo gay! For one, he listens to K-pop and secondly, when I was hanging out with Liz I saw that he has a gay flag on his desk. And lastly, he literally listens to Gracie Abrams.”

Blackstar listens to all the reasons, knowing they’re all valid.

“If you want to know anything, people probably wonder if your gay. You look ten times straighter them him. It won’t kill you!” She then walks away diving in the water next to Liz and Tsubaki.

‘ wow she’s really got her heart set on me saying something, as if. ‘

He scoffs, making his way towards the water. Now admiring the moon glisten on the ocean.

“Underwater handstand competition!” Party screams.

Everybody cheers and decides to join in, of course Blackstar wouldn’t want to miss it for the world. He grins as she starts the count down. Three, two, one! There’s a big splash as everyone goes down. Blackstar eventually gets his hand steady, holding his breath. First Liz comes up from the water than Soul, next following with Pinkstar. Patty comes up fourth now just Kid and Blackstar are left.

Another thirty second past by and Blackstar comes up for air, leaving Kid to be the winner. He tries to hold his composure, taking deep breathes in and out. Patty pushed over Kids legs letting him know it’s over. Blackstar snorts as he watches Kid try to gasp for air, obviously caught off guard by his legs being pushed.

“Seems like you’re gasping for quite an amount of air Kid.”

“I won so it’s fine,” Kid says braggingly.

Blackstar was about to say a snotty retort until Kid got called over to the other side of the beach by Liz and Tsubaki. They’re all doing a swimming race to see who can swim over the rope the fastest.

‘ Kid beating me, damn that’s hot. but no one should be able to beat me ! ‘

Blackstar looks over to Kid, grinning and admiring how confident he can be while doing stuff, just like himself. Blackstar then feels fingers in his face, snapping.

“Wow falling head over heels for him,” said Soul

Patty piped in, “Someone’s in loveee.”

“Uh no! I’m not in love with him! You’re just making stuff up.”

Patty splashes the water in front of her the proceeds to mess with her wet hair, “Well no one believes you!” She giggles “Of course you’d fall for him, he beat you in something you never lose!”

He pouts in annoyance as Patty talks and sticks her hair out every which way, “Oh shut up! You can’t say that for a fact.”

“Well he’s definitely into you! Look” she points towards the three people on the other side of the water. “He staring at you.”

As Blackstar was interrupted, he looked where Patty was pointing to see if it was true or not. He sees Kid staring at him and Kid suddenly blushes when he sees Blackstar stare back. Tsubaki and Liz start laughing at the shinigami. Blackstar looks surprised as he sees Kid get all red, the boy obviously embarrassed he got caught. Blackstar then feels a strange feeling in his stomach as Kid blushes, which only increases when Tsubaki and Liz laugh at him.

“See?” Patty said. “He definitely wants you. He’s just a little shy.”

He looks at Patty as she comments that Kid is into him, and he responds with his cheeks slightly tinted red. “Well even if he was that doesn’t mean anything, maybe he’s just shy around me!”

Pinkstar chimed in, “He literally talked to everyone but you at dinner tonight!”

He blushes even more as Pinkstar comments, knowing that is was true.”

“Hey so what if he doesn’t talk to me! Doesn’t mean he’s gay.”

Blackstar then turns towards the three on the opposite side. Kid pops out of the salty ocean, hairy messy and wet. Water runs down his abs one drop at a time. Blackstars nose suddenly gets runny, he touches it, realizing it’s bleeding.

‘ f*ck! ‘

“Obsessed,” Soul whispers in Blackstars ear.

“S-shut up! I’m not obsessed, I’m just-! Oh, f*ck it, Fine. I’m a little obsessed, I admit. Happy?

All three of the friends surrounding Blackstar say ‘yes’ in unison, Blackstar rolls his eyes. He then dunks under water wiping his nose, hoping Kid didn’t see. When he comes up he sees Maka come down to the beach in her pajamas, sitting in the sand by the water.

“Maks!” Soul says getting out of the water to check on his girlfriend.

Blackstar looks between Soul and Maka, now stuck next to his sister. He starts to overhear their conversation.

“Babe why are you out here? You should be in the room resting! I thought you didn’t feel good,” Soul says worriedly.

“Soul calm down, I told you I just had a headache. I’m okay.” Maka replies, reassuring.

This causes Soul to relax a bit,

“Okay sure babe.”

Soul kisses her forehead and she smiles. Blackstar rolls his he’s at the display of affection. Thoughts start to invade his mind, imagining himself in Souls position, except Maka was Kid. He quickly shoos away the thoughts as Maka tells everyone that it’s eleven and time to come in.

Blackstar takes one last dunk in the water and proceeds to get out and grab his towel, drying off. He notices Kid doesn’t have a towel but keeps walking. Everyone starts walking in pairs except for Kid and him, so he walks over to him.

“Hey Blackstar”

Blackstar feels a shiver run down his spine as Kid talks, but he brushes it off.

“Hi Kid, what’s up?”

“Just quite cold, I forgot my towel.

Blackstar raises an eyebrow at him, suprised he forgot a towel when they were going to a beach, “How did you manage to forget your towel?”

“I don’t know. I tend to ignore things I need a lot. My ocd, you know?

Blackstar suddenly feels bad for question him, “Oh. Right. Sorry I forgot.”

“It’s fine really.”

The blue haired boy continues to look at Kid, “Are you sure you’re good? Like.. you’re not too cold are you? Maybe I should give you my towel, it’s not that wet.”

Kid blushes, “only if you want.”

He notices the blush on Kids face at his question and immediately feels his own cheeks heat up in response.

“Yeah sure you can have it.”

“Are you sure Blackstar, you won’t feel cold yourself?”

“Nah don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I’m not as cold as you are.”

Kid blushes more, “thanks” he softly mutters.

Blackstar tries to ignore that he feels his face heating up further, trying to act casual,

“it’s no big deal, really, here.” Blackstar proceeds to wrap it around Kids body.

They get back to the resort and everyone says there good nights, Kid walks up to the elevator along with everyone else. Blackstar stays in the lobby with his twin.

“So Blackstar, offering your man a towel? How sweet.”

He jumps slightly at Pinkstars comments and feels his face get warm from his sisters teasing, “He was cold alright, I’m just being nice.”

Pinkstar snorts laughing and clutches her stomach, “It was funny, honestly! You made a move!”

“I’m glad you’re getting a kick out of this but I did not ‘make a move’ I was doing what anyone else would’ve done.”

“I think everyone was waiting for you to do it. After all you are the ‘great’ Blackstar.”

He can’t help but feel a little annoyed at Pinkstars comments, he rolls his eyes at the ‘great’ comment.

“And what does that have to do with it? Im the biggest star there ever is! Even bigger that death himself,” he pouts.

“So you’re bigger than your boyfriend? Remember, he’s almost the new Lord Death.”

Blackstar glares at Pinkstar, irritated by the word boyfriend and how she was comparing them.

“Hey! Kids not my boyfriend, alright? And he’s not even near my level even if he is almost the new Lord Death.”

“Well as your sister I’m here to slap some sense into your ego.”

“You’d seriously try slap sense in the great Blackstar? I’d like to see you try.”

“Well listen to this carefully,” Pinkstar leaned into Blackstars ear.

“I saw another friend group at dinner, one boy was pointing Kid out. So you better get Kid before someone else makes a move on him.”

He suddenly stiffens up as Pinkstar tells him that someone else is going to try to hit on Kid. A feeling of worry immediately runs through his body, his heart sinks as she tells him to make a move before someone else does. Blackstar then feels very competitive.

“So? Gonna get him or leave him to someone else.”

He thinks for a moment before responding firmly to his sister, “No I won’t let anyone else have him. Kids mine. Got that?”

“Wow possessive much? But go get him! I’m going to bed now, night bro.” Pinkstar then walks up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. The miester rolled his eyes at the ‘possesive much?’ comment watching his twin skip away.

‘ wow I really do like him don’t I? ‘

He suddenly starts feeling his competitive side kick in as he stands in the lobby, with the thought of someone else being with Kid completely intolerable for him. He clenches his fist, aggressively feeling the need to get with Kid right then and there. He starts trying to keep himself in check,

“Calm down Blackstar. Don’t be aggressive. You’re not dangerous, you’re not like White star. Don’t freak Kid out.”

Blackstar then walks to the elevator, which feels like the millionth time for today. He clicks the button eight, making it glow. Getting to the room, he takes out his key and unlocks the door. He looks over at Kid and cracks a small, soft smile noticing that he’s fast asleep, he also can’t help but think how cute he looks. He then kicks of his shoes and swiftly changes into his own pajamas and brushing his teeth.

Once he’s done he climbed into his own bed. Blackstar feels his eyes get heavy as he gets more comfortable. He slowly falls asleep satisfied Kid was in the same room as him, safe and sound.

He literally listens to Gracie Abrams - eatingursoul (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.